Amongst all the changes happening in downtown Columbus, at least one thing remains unchanged: the Peanut Shoppe! This week the Peanut Shoppe opened in its new location, and under new ownership, but still on Capitol Square.

There’s been a Peanut Shoppe in downtown Columbus since 1936. (Similar to the Peanut Shoppe in downtown Akron.) It’s moved locations a few times, but made its home at the corner of East State Street and North High Street for many years.

The long-time owners Pat and Mike Stone were ready to move on (although they’re still involved in the shop), so they passed the torch to Matt and Kate Powell. The Stones had owned the shop since 1996, but Mike had worked for the business since 1972!

The Peanut Shoppe’s new digs are right across the square at 4 East Broad Street, sandwiched between Black Kahawa Coffee and Three Bites Bakery/Little Cat Boba.

All the familiar sights and sounds and smells are there: fresh-roasted peanuts, chocolates, candies, and plenty of snacks.

This includes the old peanut roaster complete with Mr. Peanut sitting atop it.

The peanuts are kept warm right next to the front door.

Keep an eye on their social media for their hours as they fully open up!
The Peanut Shoppe
4 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 221-8837
FB: Peanut Shoppe Columbus
IG: @thepeanutshoppecolumbus